Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Dear Hannah...

Dear Hannah...

My my haven't you changed over the years, you went from no responsibilities and having silly fun in the woods with your friends and hanging on park benches <--- which was not very clever was it! To carrying a little being growing inside you.. you were still at school, the teachers said you and Andrew wouldn't make it, your school work had dropped and was rubbish and other including family said that you were to selfish and irresponsible to have a child

Well Didn't we show them!!

you came out of school we 2Bs 2Cs and 5Ds a big achievement from what was intended, but the big prize was that we grew and made a beautiful little boy!! yes it was hard with the stares and the judgement I know you still find it hard now when people ask if he is your brother,

Who would of thought we would be here down the line nearly 6 years later still wit Andrew, having a hyperactive 3 year old who we couldn't ooze any more love for and catering another growing little boy in the womb once more.. oh and K will make a fabulous big brother stop worrying!!! 

I am glad you are going to try and breastfeed again, I am sorry things didn't work out last time, I wish I had given you more confidence and more back bone.. it's okay we will give it our BEST shot this time! The main thing you need to remember is YOU are the MUMMY and you know best!

Now stop hiding in the house all the time and go and see your friends.. it's saddens me that you have lost so much of yourself so go and FIND HER!

Lots of Love Hannah Xx

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