Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Review of Fuschia Horizontal Stripes Mexican Bola Necklace

 Received from Mexican Bola
Fuschia Horizontal Stripes Mexican bola
The Mexican Bola is a chime ball that was first worn by pregnant women in Mexico who learned through generations of motherhood that the soothing sound of the Mexican Bola against the tummy had a calming effect on their babies before and after birth. 
 The great thing about a Mexican Bola is that not only is it a fashionable item to wear when you're pregnant but it is also stylish enough to wear around your neck when baby has grown up. It is also a beautiful keepsake to pass from the hands of loved ones, to weave your story and simply to remember.

The beautiful relaxing sound from the Mexican Bola is produced by tiny chimes inside the pendant. Read more to see what I think about it.
Above this is how the Bola arrives
From 18/20 weeks pregnant, a baby can hear sounds through mum's tummy. The mexican Bola is worn on a long necklace and placed low on the tummy where the baby is carried. The calming melody that the Mexican Bola produces while mum goes about her daily life will relax the baby. 
When baby is born, the same sound of that the Mexican Bola made when baby was still in the tummy is said to bring them comfort and familiarity. The mexican bola also makes a great nursing necklace for baby to fiddle with while nursing. The mexican bola is also said to keep the baby alert and will assist effective nursing.
The Verdict
I love the style of this necklace, pink is definitely my colour!  This is priced at £19.10 which I think is a bargain compared to how much fun you have with them. When I showed my friends what I had received they had never heard of a mexican bola which I think is a shame and so I am very pleased to be showing one to all of you :) Our baby 2 likes to kick them and when I make the chime noise around my belly he moves, I am looking forward to his reaction to it when he is born but I really do think it aids with the bonding process. The fact that I am going to try and breastfeed I like that I have something that will keep him amused and hopefully aid in having a nice full fed baby. It's also fun for Daddy and Big brother as they like to chime it and play too. You would think it would be irritating as you walk around but you barely notice it, I actually think it helps to calm me to as I have something there to fiddle with and I believe that this makes my baby boy more active maybe he's having a little dance :) either that or trying to kick it away lol!

You can buy from Here

Mexican Bola Website
Mexican Bola on Facebook 

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