Thursday, 29 September 2011

Review of MAM baby products

Received from MAM baby

A New Addition received from MAM

  • MAM Anti-Colic 160ml Self Sterilising Bottles
  • MAM Oral Care Rabbit
  • MAM Perfect Soother
  • MAM Night Soother
  • MAM First Toothbrush

Read on to see A New Additions Review
MAM Anti-Colic 160ml
Arctic Blue Eco
Green Mamba Eco

With the Anti-Colic bottle babies feel relaxed and happy from day one. This is because they don't swallow any air while drinking. And this makes the switch between Mum and MAM particularly easy.

My Opinion
I think this is such a good idea and stops the faff of having to wait for your sterilising machine to finish, I think we all remember a time where we have been so tired and forgot to put my washed out bottles in the steriliser... (well I did) and I used to put some water in the bottom and whack them in the microwave.. I used to have Avent ones with K (Booo to me I know ahaa) so the fact that MAM have came up with a solution to what other mums must do also... even if you don't admit it!! I think is fabulous, I think the bottles are quite stylish looking and they are nice to hold and if you like to travel and don;t fancy having to bring the massive sterilising unit that you have then these are the bottles for you!

Oral Care Rabbit
Blue 0+
Children's dentists and midwives are in agreement: They recommend that baby's mouth be cleaned regularly from day one after he's born in order to remove bacteria and get baby accustomed to a regular teeth-cleaning routine. This is why MAM designers have developed the innovative Oral Care Rabbit.
  • Cleans baby's mouth and his first teeth
  • Massages sensitive gums
  • Made from special, extra-soft materials
My Opinion
I had an oral bunny for K our first son and he loved it, as well as cleaning his little mouth he also found it comforting when teething and I used to put my fingers in the finger pockets and massage his sore little gummys to which he felt soothing and relaxing, I even used to wet the ears and pop in the fridge :) Of course this soon stopped when he started to gain some extra sharp mini teeth!! When having a baby I think this is a useful item to have as sometimes people don't think that a babies mouth will need cleaning too.

MAM Perfect
Fresh Air Funky 0+
  • Designed to reduce the risk of misaligned teeth
  • Developed with Orthodontists & Paediatric Dentists
  • Clinically tested by the Dental University Clinic of Vienna
  • Extra thin and super soft thanks to the unique, symmetrical Dento-Flex® teat neck 
  • Available with MAM‘s patented Silk Teat® - incomparably comfortable in baby‘s mouth
  • Unique design developed with designers of the Vienna University of Applied Arts
  • Good for the skin thanks to the large ventilation holes
  • Delivered with high quality transport box
My Opinion
You see many horror stories about children that have dummies and the increased risk that it entails with giving them misaligned teeth. So to over come this MAM go and make one that is 60% thinner than a standard dummy and 3 times as soft. Independent scientific and medical research has shown that there is a direct correlation between pacifier usage and baby’s jaw and teeth development.
Right from the start, even before the first teeth become visible, parents should choose a soother that supports bite development. The general rule of thumb says: the thinner, softer, and more adaptable the nipple neck is, the better for jaw and teeth this leaves me happy in the knowledge that while helping to sooth baby 2 this is also not such a 'baddie' of the soother world. I love that the soother comes with a clever little box that if you put 25ml of water into then attach the soother and pop in the microwave for 3 minutes and boom one sterilised dummy. 

MAM Night Soother
MAM night soothers are a new design that glows longer and extra bright. The entire soother knob glows. This makes it easy to find when it has fallen out of the baby's mouth during the night.

My Opinion
How many of us have lost a dummy during the night and while your other half is dozing and you don't want to turn the light on to irritate him further.. (the crying baby not helping) you scuttle along trying to find the offending Dummy. Well MAM have a solution to this a dummy that glows in the dark. Baby 2's big bro K thinks these are 'really cool' and the concept gets a thumbs up from Mummy and Daddy too!

First Brush
Spring Green 6months+
Let your child clean their teeth like an adult! The First Brush allows babies to easily imitate the way that adults clean their teeth. This means that babies learn to clean their teeth properly right from day one. 
  • Short and compact handle, ideal for imitating adults' toothbrushing strokes
  • Massaging head for massaging sensitive gums
My Opinion
If baby 2 will be anything like his big brother then he will be one determined and independent little man as soon as he is capable, also the fact he will be watching his big brother doing things I think will aid to this, so that being said this is a good little thing to aid with this, I am guessing also that he will probably just have a good old gnaw on it as the bristles in the toothbrush will be all tickly N'arwh :)

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