Friday 18 May 2012

TBS and then things went a bit tits up..

Tomorrow I shall be attending The Baby show at the NEC Birmingham. I am highly excited and shall be bringing my growing too quick boo boo with me :)
While I was writing this blog post I had a phone call from my dad telling me he had just called an ambulance for my mum. Upon leaving my house and although she had started to make her dinner, she hadn't got to eat the bloody thing because her Diabetes took over! She can't remember any of what happened, but I can tell you all that my dad is a very strong man and when I rang him I could hear the scared in his voice.

My mum was refusing to accept anything he was trying to do to help stabilise her sugars, diabetes was in charge and was fighting him off! In my 21 years I had never known my dad to have to ring an ambulance, he has always been able to control it and get her sugars back to a reasonable standard. The fact that this has happened tonight has sent a shiver down my spine, the fact that she was on her own, the what if my dad hadn't turned up when he did. These thoughts bring me to tears.

My mum is Amazing, she is my best friend, she is my go to person, when I need someone to speak to she is there, when I need someone to listen she is there, when I need a cuddle she is there, When I need someone to tell me I am being ridiculous and to move on or 'sort myself out' (I HATE that saying) she is there. I just feel numb to this disgusting disease of which there is nothing I can do to help her. I know when her symptoms are coming on for a hypo, but even if she eats little and regularly throughout the day she is having issues at the moment. There is something wrong and not knowing and not being able to even offer any kind of advice is just horrid to me. Mum has promised me that on Monday she will be going to the doctors to see if they can notice something peculiar. I really hope they do and things can improve because my mum has been a Diabetic since she was 6 and I have never seen things be so erratic.

Although all of this has happened I have been TOLD I am still to go to The Baby Show tomorrow and that my mum shall be resting all day as this hypo has really knocked it out of her. I am very excited about going and meeting some fabulous new people and companies, but I definitely think I will be going and making a pitstop to give my mummy a cuddle first <3

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